Child Custody Lawyers & Attorney
In Maryland, there are two types of child custody: “residential custody” otherwise known as “physical custody” and “legal custody.” The standard for determining residential custody is “the best interest” of the minor child. A vague standard that hardly delineates a clear-cut rule. That is why our experienced Maryland child custody attorney highly recommends various parenting tools and avoiding exposing your children to the ongoing disputes and/or court case at all. The unpredictability of “best interest” standard also lends itself to parents doing their best to reach an agreement that they feel is in the best interest of their children instead of a judge. In fact, many judges make a last-ditch effort and encourage the parents to reach a custody agreement by addressing the parents up to the beginning of the trial.
In disputed custody cases, the court determines how a child’s interest will be best served by a custody/visitation schedule. The Court will determine whether it is in the best interest of a child for the parents to have joint residential custody, or alternatively, for one parent to have primary residential custody with access and visitation reserved for the other parent.
Legal custody is the decision-making authority of the parents regarding the major issues in minor child’s life such as religious upbringing, educational decisions, and major medical treatment. Having professional Maryland child custody attorneys can be beneficial for both the parents and the children.
The more experienced child custody attorneys and lawyers understand the lasting damage that improper handling of a custody case could mean for your children; special care should be given to custody issues. However, there are cases when the wellbeing of a child would be in danger because of reckless and/or neglectful conduct of a parent. Our experienced Maryland child custody attorney and lawyer will vigorously represent you in your child custody trial if you are not able to reach an agreement that you believe is in the best interest of your children.
Kamkari Law child custody lawyer is also experienced in cases where one parent removes the child/children from Maryland and move to another state without having a court order that authorizes them to do so.
Book Your Consultation with our experienced Maryland child custody attorney today!
For more information on Maryland child custody laws please read my post Maryland Residential Custody Laws – Kamkari Law
Kamkari Law – Maryland Child Custody Attorney
(301) 309-9002
10411 Motor City Drive
Suite 750
Bethesda, Maryland 20817
Member of Maryland Bar
Member of Bar Association of Montgomery County